Sunday, April 01, 2007

Phillip is First “Chess Youth of the Month”

Ray third grader feted by chess Web site

Ray School third grader Phillip Parker-Turner has been named “Chess Youth of the Month” by, the new Web site that premiered a month ago and is rapidly becoming the unofficial online headquarters for scholastic chess in the area.

Phillip is the first recipient of the honor, which each month will recognize the most successful young chess players in Chicago and the surrounding areas.

The site has a lengthy profile of Phillip, recounting how he started playing chess and describing his strong interest in art. Though much has been written about Ray’s young chess champion in the past few years, the profile by webmaster Lamarr Wilson contains some information that was new to me, such as the fact that Phillip’s love of chess started with an interest in checkers.

Please check out the article and give Phillip your congratulations.

Postscript: The Chess Academy and John Buky start a ten-week chess class next Saturday, April 7, at the Lincoln Park Cultural Center. The price is $100. If you’re looking for a chess class—beginner, intermediate, or advanced—check it out.