The World is Flat
Well, maybe not all of it, but the part that is this chess set certainly is. Here's the skinny:
New Wave Chess & Checkers
New Wave Chess & Checkers is the world's lightest, simplest yet most tenacious game board.
This 8 3⁄4" square board is an inventive breakthrough in play on flat surfaces.
It allows flat game pieces to stand up on the board with a full 3-D effect.
The pieces can't be blown away or shaken out!The pieces move only when you want to move them. Another design innovation allows a checker piece to turn into a king simply by rotating it to show its crown.
New Wave Chess & Checkers is highly portable and can be played anywhere, indoors or outdoors.
What do you think? How would you like to play 5-minute blitz on this thing? What would Ovid make of the checker that morphs into a chess king?
Double click on the image to enlarge it and get a better look.
Double click on the image to enlarge it and get a better look.
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